Harry Anderson

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since Dec 01, 2020
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Recent posts by Harry Anderson

How do you rescue people from burning skyscrapers? Such tall buildings require elevators whose shafts are very like a chimney.
1 year ago
I make cat litter by running newsprint through a paper shredder. A spoonful of baking soda seems to take care of the odor.
1 year ago
Today I am glad that the rain had taken most of the pollen out of the air. In the Willamette Valley, that's a real blessing.
2 years ago
Demolition. The more you do by hand the more good material you preserve. Around here, they like to bring in a big excavator to take bites and drop in a dumpster.
2 years ago
My own experience is that wet bricks clean more easily. So do bricks from a chimney which has been on fire.
I favor using a hammer and brick set, a one-sided chisel. You will break some bricks. You don't need to make a long swing, just tap hard. Wear something over your eyes.
3 years ago
Are you sure those "plastic" envelope windows are plastic? Where I am, they've always been cellophane. Cellophane is a form of paper and just as recyclable. Plain tortilla chips come in cellophane, so you can just feel a bag to get an idea of its texture.
3 years ago
That happens a lot. I wonder if others would be as curmudgeonly as I am, if they did notice.
I have used pushrods from an old car engine to nail logs together. It takes a sledge hammer to drive them.
Worn out socks serve as covers for my dust mop. I use the lower halves of socks to contain/protect the sunglasses in my glove box. The upper halves work as sleeves to protect forearms in warm weather.
This last bit is going to take a little explaining. I play games that involve toy soldiers/monsters about an inch high. The usual way to store these models involves getting sheets of foam rubber and cutting suitable holes in it. I use toilet paper cores that I flatten, fold and flatten so it's nearly square in cross section. Next step is to cut them into suitable lengths. Finally, the cardboard squares get set into a box to form a grid with each square being a space for one model.
4 years ago