Kiffy Fer

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since Dec 11, 2020
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I know this is an old thread but I came across this in some of my research and thought it might be applicable.
"Years later I went back to the house. Unbelievably, my Karwendel moon timber lay unchanged and beautiful, even though it hadn't had time to dry completely. Only the replacement beam was cracked and had changed immensely during the period when the heating was on. Those pronounced longitudinal cracks weren't serious. Longitudinal cracks hardly compromise the static and function of a solid beam. Still, I couldn't have imagined the difference between moon and non–moon timber as pronounced as it was here."
For your reference this is the title of the paper.
Erwin Thoma
Deciphering the Miracle of the Forest
Sample translation by Laura Wagner
(pp. 7 — 39)
4 years ago