I am looking to meet others who may want to live in a similar way I would like to, and perhaps join in finding some land together.
I am looking for folks who are interested in living in a natural way in a village-like setting in the southwestern New Mexico desert, living in a way that is a bit back in time. Living super naturally, with almost no metal, no plastic (except for what is upcycled) and with a much more intimate connection with the land and earth around us. Old school. I think Terence McKenna called this "Archaic Revival" and others have called it "future primitive". I just call it going back to nature. The desertscapes here in the SW captivate me; are healing & also need healing from some willing humans!
I feel no longer partaking in extractive mining or drilling, or even deforestation and quartz mining (glass) is the only way forward for humanity to go in balance and harmony with the earth and each other. I believe the same goes for localized natural/indigenous farming and foraging as well as medicine making.
My Intention:
To grow food fukuoka style, intending to be subsistent on what is grown hunted or foraged locally at the land
regenerate and restore desert ecosystems (many of which are badly hurt here from overgrazing etc) !
live in natural buildings or up-cycled buildings (my health has been severely affected by the toxic practices of conventional/modern home construction, and feel very strong about this point)!
Believe in autonomy creativity nature and enjoying life
be a part of a healthy, caring and supportive community
If you are interested in living like this please let me know. I want to connect with those out there who wish to live this way and are ready to make a transition to this lifestyle, and are willing to create a village like place on a piece of land with shared values -the ones listed above- and in community to one another. Love and kindness are very important

as is autonomy
A bit about myself:
After extensive travel in the far reaches of Asia I realized the happiest I felt, healthiest and most in tune to my soul/earth/unknown was in communities that were almost completely subsistent and indigenous to their land. This way of life is disappearing faster than anything out there due to the expanding sphere of modernity/westernization & capitalism. This loss I find the saddest of all, as all the humans who still live this so called "humble" way seem to be achieving what all environmentalists strive for; perhaps the answer to living harmoniously among one another and mother earth is letting go and giving up (our technology).
I love nature, I feel most aligned with Mr Fukuoka's ideas. Simplicity is cool. Autonomy is cool and teaching is wonderful.
I am a filmmaker too; my intention is to share what i learn along the way, like adobe making, building, various skillsets and so on, to help others empower themselves to do this too!
Thank you for reading. Appreciation to all you out there courageously making the leap to more in tune living!! Feel free to DM or post below. BTW this is my first post ever on Permies after many years of reading.