Trine Fredsoe

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since Jan 12, 2021
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Thanks Rob.

I am however still curius to know If there is a guideline or other Peoples choice as to when to plant on or of contour.
3 years ago

Rob Kaiser wrote:Before I provide my own humble response, I have two questions:

  • Do you own the land?

  • If so, how long have you been there?

    If you don't own the land, how long do you plan on staying there.

  • Do you have consumer debt (outside of the mortgage?)

  • I ask these questions, because had I changed my thought process when I began designing 7 years ago, I'd have saved myself a *lot* of money...

    ...and a *lot* of heartache as well!

    HI Rob thanks for the reply.yes I own the land and I Hope to keep it forever 🙂

    I do not have Any consumer debt no.

    I am looking forward to your feedback

    3 years ago
    Hi permies.
    This is my first post here. I am in the proces of designing a 1acre land heavy clay soil located in Scandinavia.
    There is a small slope on the land about 7-10 degrees so not quite steep but not flat either.

    I have been looking into key line design and on contour farming however I am not sure as to when it is a good idea to plant on contour and when it is Best to plant off contour like keylines. (I do not have acces to the yeoman plow)

    Anyone can help clarify?
    3 years ago