Gio Rivera

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since Jan 13, 2021
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N.Arizona, 6'000 Elevation, Zone 6b
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Recent posts by Gio Rivera

Hey parker, thanks for the reply + picture, nice basin! Best of luck with your experiment, would be curious to see updates as time goes by.
2 years ago
Thank you both I'm going to check out those other threads. I do have both of brads books that I'm currently studying as well, super appreciate the input yall!
3 years ago
Yes, i have a few small rooftops i'll be catching water with to start, but for now i am just looking to do some small earthworks + mulch around the sparse trees that i already have, add some native companion plants come spring.  I'm closest to valle/grand canyon junction, from my research we get around 8.9inches of rain annually.

I was thinking some sort of shallow basin around the drip line. potentially hoping to use them as nursey tree for some pinyon pines and a few other native trees.
3 years ago
I will look into the referenced info. The area I'm in a lot are drying up and dying lately which is why I am thinking of sinking more rainwater when it comes.
3 years ago
Hey yall, I'm up in Northern Arizona, zone 6b. I just moved here onto a sage and rabbitbrush covered 1acre plateau plot. we have one juniper tree and a few juniper shrub/bushes.

I was hoping to do some small earthworks around the existing brush and tree to support their growth, and start some more native flowers and grasses come spring, just kind of focus on supporting and expanding the areas that already have some growth.

I just dont want to damage the roots and the growth thats already there, its basically flat land, there is a minor slope.
I was thinking of digging down and adding some mulch to create a basin, but i havent seen many examples or found much info yet on doing something like this with already existing trees and brush.  

Would appreciate some thoughts and opinions!

3 years ago
Hi yall im out by Valle, AZ, technically Williams at 6'000 ft  high desert plateau zone 6b with a single juniper tree and some smaller juniper brush. the internet says it gets 22' rain out here annualy but im suspicious its much less considering the drought? I am in the process of building my first rain water tank, and hoping to build a second one soon after, in the mean time hauling some water out and hoping to establish more native flora and fauna and also feed but not get dessimated by the critters. would love to hear how its going with people in similar areas and maybe get connected. anyways hope its going well for yall!
3 years ago
Hello all, its been a while since ive posted on forums. im here seeking educational material, advice, meeting people of like mind, and seeing all the cool different types of permie lives. Im beginning a new adventure, near valle az, trying to make my way out of the city and into homestead and farm steading, working off a raw piece of land. currently living and patio gardening down in the valley of phoenix az. focusing on learning more permaculture design and other agroecological practices.
4 years ago