Erin Lucas

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since Jan 15, 2021
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I'm growing Hablitzia from the Experimental Farm Network (EFN) here in 5b Colorado. I believe if you contact their founder (Nate?) through their Facebook page he could give you the name of the guy who gave it to him, who has been growing it for some time as a project.

My experience was that with CS it was easy to start, a slow grower the first year (most plants started in March only grew to about 1 foot by winter), and delicious! I loved it and my husband actually prefers it to our New Zealand spinach, so maybe there's just some individual taste preference there. I have five plants in a raised bed which did not grow quite as vigorously as the one I kept in a pot most of the summer then transplanted into the ground in early fall- we do have a rocky heavy clay soil where I live on the side of the foothills. It loves full sun which the pot sat in all summer on our deck, the raised beds gets 4-5 hrs of morning shade and they didn't prefer that as much of seems. It's extremely dry here at our elevation so I'm pretty sure it will survive the winter. I am really looking forward to vining it next season and have seen pics of 2-3 year old hablitzia 2M tall by May. Best of luck!
4 years ago