Will Jeffreys

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since Jan 15, 2021
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Recent posts by Will Jeffreys

I started a YouTube channel called New2theWoods when I moved from Chicago to the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Each platform is used to illustrate how my lifestyle and hobbies have changed from typical city living to things like composting invasive seaweed, making kombucha, splitting wood, making pond hockey rinks, slow motion hummingbirds, time lapse monarch births, etc. I landed here on permies while researching rocket stoves and donkey boilers in hopes of building one to heat water from the lake to flood my outdoor hockey rink.
3 years ago
The elevation is about 6 feet up and 10 feet over (roughly). The holding tank and pipes would be drained after use. I think a solar pump is out of the question because the usage will be in the winter only. The plan is to cut a hole in the ice and pull water into a tank that can be heated with a wood burner or a fire, similar to a donkey burner. The point is to flood a pond hockey rink with a layer of warm water. If the system works it could also be used for a rustic hot tub in summer months.
4 years ago
Thanks! To add some clarification, I would only need it to fill a drum near the shoreline, not use the water for any sort of heating. I’m looking for a very simple setup that is capable of replacing a pump to draw lake water a few feet up into shore, with a secondary purpose of heating that water
4 years ago
Hello community! New member here with a question about viability of a hypothetical thermosiphon application. Is it possible to draw water up from a lake using a heat source? It seems as though a wood-burning boiler system of any sort has to start with water in it, is that right?
4 years ago