Stef Watkins

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since Jan 17, 2021
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Tree hugging dirt worshiper. Vegetarian. Climate activist. Animal lover. Woodworker / artisan.
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northern New Mexico
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Recent posts by Stef Watkins

Hi Jen. Thanks for great info! Yep got a big order of salt bushes from forestry service a week ago. Definitely going to keep ordering from them.

No plans to graze animals except for occasional take the chickens out for a walk. Just trying to help Mother Nature restore the land.

Land is mostly all sand. Water is limited to house's well and IBC totes & rain barrels.

We planted some native grass seeds & wildflowers couple of days ago. Put near some locust trees, since seemed like that area was at least supporting some life already. Put straw & dead leaves on top. And then covered with tumbleweeds! LOL might as well use them as a wind block.

No shade is huge problem though. Definitely considering making a little shade block structure. Or several! Love adobe. (House is adobe & reason we bought it!)

But yeah would definitely appreciate any info you want to share!

Bummed to hear you're not in the area anymore. Hope your newest adventure is going well!
3 years ago
Hi Jen. Are you still active here? We're neighbors! I bought an old over-grazed spot of land, and getting ready to start spreading seed. Wonder how your area is doing, and if you've learned any tricks for our type of land & climate. Thanks!
3 years ago
I enjoy woodworking & that has been my "job" for the past several years. Recently I decided to look at what's available on my property & consider selling it as crafting materials. Out here in the desert pretty much only have cactus & tumbleweeds. But turns out cactus wood (cholla) is quickly becoming my best seller on Etsy. Who would have thought?!?!
3 years ago
Me, posing with a coffee table I made. Has glass, copper wire, & other stuff inlaid in the top.
3 years ago
I was just brainstorming about this the other day! Dug through the recycling bin to see what I could use. Glass jars that previously had tomato sauce, mayonnaise jar, and a dome cake top. A friend started saving water bottles for me. Those will probably need to be staked as so lightweight. But should work.

As for cutting glass bottles I use a scoring knife & dunk in hot & cold water.
3 years ago
I made a few more. As you can see, I'm not even being very careful about my spray painting skills.
3 years ago
I made a simple rain chain out of the lids from tin cans. Used a nail & hammer to poke 2 holes (opposing sides) and bits of scrap wire to attach them together. Painted just because I wanted to 😉
3 years ago
Made a bunch of flowers out of cans (soup, veggies, cat food etc) Just cut slits down sides, bend back, & paint. Fun decoration on greenhouse wall. Making more soon.
3 years ago
Lovely bloom on nectarine tree in greenhouse from maybe 2 weeks ago.
3 years ago
The couple who own "Chimayo Rocks" in Española NM are super nice & they'd probably know of groups around. Give them a call or message through Facebook.
3 years ago