Stan Wilson

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since Apr 11, 2010
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Hey Permies, My name is Stan Wilson and I have been into permaculture since 2007 when I got my PDC. A year later the whole family had their PDC's and were touring the country in a bio-diesel permibus. The Skills Tour was on the road for over two years promoting permaculture. It was amazing, and exhausting. Now we all live on 7.5 acres outside of Stevensville and are launching a new permaculture based non-profit, the DIRT Center. In particular I am obsessed with humanure and am pecking away at a book, The History of Shit, Human Waste and It's Role In Agriculture Over Time. 
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Missoula, MT.
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Hey all permies. Just want to let you know that I have red wiggler worms for sale @ $10 a quart, two years of very well composted humanure and that I will have an article on humanure in the summer edition of Permaculture Activist, now Permaculture Design magazine. See me on facebook at wyrd worms. I am continuing my work on my book The History of Shit: Human Waste and Its Role in Agriculture Over Time.

The Permi Preacher
9 years ago
Worms are not indigenous to the continent and so are not part of a forest environment. I'm just getting back into the permi scene after and absence to get my BA in Am. History. I study shit, literally. Speaking of shit and worms, I have two tubs of red wiggler worms for sale, ten dollars per quart yogurt container and my first finished humanure compost, it is beautiful. Contact me to talk permaculture, worms, or the carbon sequestering super powers of composting, or the history of shit! Via Con Compost! Stan
11 years ago
Hey all you permies, I will be putting on a composting workshop this Saturday, 1 to 3PM at MUD, 629 Phillips in Missoula. The workshop is free. Hope to see a bunch of you out there!

Stan Wilson
14 years ago
Hey Y'All, The Permibus has the weekend for the convergence scheduled in. I do need riders however! If you want on, let me know. I'll need fuel donations which can be done via paypal by going to our web site,, and hitting the donate button. Please mark them "convergence." Let me know who all is on board, it should be a fun trip. I have to be back by Monday late morning to get the bus parked and get me off to class. E-Mail
14 years ago
Right now I am still into that possibility although my recent attempts at getting into school this semester may change that. I'll keep interested folks posted.

14 years ago
If you're going out of town and need somebody to come by and care for your flock, I offer my 15 plus years of chicken experience to you. I work for a nominal fee which can be negotiated barter or cash. Just contact me via this post.

Stan Wilson
Permi Preacher
14 years ago
Hey all you  Permies, The Skills Tour Permi Bus is seriously considering making the trip to the NW Permaculture Convergence. In order to help pay for fuel we're offering to pick folks up between Missoula, Montana and the convergence, take you to the convergence and drop you off at home. The convergence is the 17 through 19 of September. If this sounds like fun then let me know via this forum. See you in September. On another note, we'll be having a cob party at our Pattee Canyon cabin August 27-28. Let me know if you want to come eat great food, hang out with great folks, see the Permi Bus, and cob and chink a rustic cabin.

Stan Wilson
The Permi Preacher
14 years ago
Hey all you North West  Permies, The Skills Tour Permi Bus is seriously considering making the trip to the NW Permaculture Convergence. In order to help pay for fuel we're offering to pick folks up between Missoula, Montana and the convergence, take you to the convergence and drop you off at home. The convergence is the 17 through 19 of September. If this sounds like fun then let me know via this forum. See you in September.

Stan Wilson
The Permi preacher
14 years ago
The PermiBus had a great day in Caras Park last Sunday. Over 150 people toured the bus, we made seed balls, and the chickens were a big hit. The PermiBus will roll onto the university campus Wednesday to continue celebrating Earth Day. We will be on campus from 11 to 2. The chickens will be there as well. This Sunday we're hosting a backyard chicken workshop and we love to see all of Missoula's permies. Details are at our web-site, See you all Sunday!
14 years ago
Hi Paul, I did send you an earlier e-mail and, yes, it was our bus that was hassled in Minnesota in 2008.
14 years ago