Gert Gerard

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since Jan 27, 2021
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After asking advise on a stove more than a year ago I would like to give a small evaluation on this project.

In oktober I build the stove like shown in the sketch above. I only made the bench downstairs 0.5 meter shorter then shown in the plan.

The heater has been working for one winter now.
It starts up really good and has a perfect draft under all conditions.
The bench down with 2.5m of duct gives enough radiant heat to warm up the 30m² living room for the next 24 hrs.
The two benches upstairs are also radiating enough heat for warming up the two rooms upstairs also during freezing winters. The temperature upstairs is a little lower than downstairs so this is perfect for the use a a dormitory / childroom
Only little negative point is that the temperature in the upper right room is a bit lower than the upper left room but that's a detail.

The inhabitants of the house are perfectly satisfied with the stove.

I hope this little evaluation will be useful to other people on future stove building projects.


2 years ago
I am planning a RMH with a 20cm j-tube with metal barrel.
It will have a straight 10m long duct inside a single bench so no bends, only clean out in the beginning and the end. Then a straight vertical chimney of insulated double wall stainless steel pipe, around 2.5m inside the building and 2.5m outside.
If I take the calculations from Erika Wisner it must be possible. But I am not sure if the chimney will cause enough draft to make the system work good. It is impossible to make a bypass because of the single bench
Anyone have experience with some simular long bench and short chimney?
Or anyone can give me some advise on this?
Thanks in advance.
3 years ago
Thank you all for the replys.

All of you are giving ideas for making the thermal mass with bells, for sure a good idea.

But for several reasons I wanted to make a rmh in the traditional barrel-bench configuration. The main reason is that it can be build by people with less skills and experience. I am convinced a RMH with barrel and bench cost also less money and less time to build.
The horizontal bench makes it also possible to connect it to an existing brick chimney, so also a money saving aspect. Also the weight distribution on the second floor is in this particular case much more obvious with a bench.
And of course, these warm benches are so nice to sit and relax on.

But I am not going to start it building before I am sure that this system will work.

Really nobody have made or seen a system with a bench (and not a bell) separated on two different floors (like the image)?
4 years ago
Thanks a lot for the answer Gerry, and indeed it is a 200mm, 8" RMH.

First of all, the reason I put the outlet chimney in that corner is that in that spot is already a bricked chimney upon the roof.

As you mentioned, the lower floor, or living room, better a short bench, but what is short? Will the first 3 m duct be enough, too few, or to much, to heat up the 30 square meter livingroom ?

Do you think, the fact that I want to split up the bench in 2 floors, will have a negative effect on the draft of the whole system?
I can not find on the internet (or this forum) any examples where people divide the bench over two floors.
Anybody experience with this?
Or were can I find some examples?

Any comments welcome....

4 years ago
I am planning a 20 mm j-tube RMH to heat up 2 floors of 30 square meters each.

The burner and barrel will be situated downstairs with a cob bench and 3m duct. Then an insulated duct will go up to the first floor were a bench with 2m duct will be heating the first room of 15 square meters and a bench with 4m duct will heat up the second room of 15 square meters.
The house have high ceilings of average 3m10. (Second floor inclined ceiling from 2m50 to 3m70.
The walls are 50cm thick rocks.
Each room only 1 window and one door.
The second floor have a very bad insulated ceiling.

Anybody can give me some advice on the heat distribution so heat will be more or less equal in every room?
The lower floor will be the living room, I am not sure if 3m of (20mm) duct and the mass under the barrel will be enough to heat up 30 square meters (and 3m10 high).

Please any comments and thoughts welcome.

4 years ago