Ingrid Emerald

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since Jan 27, 2021
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Recent posts by Ingrid Emerald

I am in the ozark mountains. I love this area and it’s very affordable, but could be open to relocating possibly.
3 years ago

Long in the short… I am a highly spiritual and empathetic woman. I desire to go off grid and build a lifestyle of community and family. I am looking for a man who wants the same. I would like to have more children and would absolutely mother yours as I do my own. I am a flower farmer looking to purchase forever land. We eat organic Whole Foods and practice nature spirituality. A mixture of forest/Waldorf schooling and nature schooling. I enjoy gardening and learning about the land. Cooking from scratch is a hobby I enjoy as well. Currently enjoying the Ringing Cedars series.

Reach out if you feel we could connect.

Peace and love.
3 years ago
Hi Chris!

Are you interested in creating a family or being with a woman who has two young children? I have the finances and the knowledge to start a homestead, but am looking for a man to build a future with.
4 years ago