Angela Marturano

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since Feb 06, 2021
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The food would mostly be for the family and community, maybe to try and sell a few premium things to expats there is another successful delivery business in this space.  More for education and building it into a space for retreats !
3 years ago

Caribe Kevin Cook wrote:What area in CR? How much land? What crops are you interested in?

Thanks for the note. I should have clarified that it's a microfarm. 4000m2 (1 acre)

We are in La Isabel, Turrialba, Cartago where the weather is temperate 50/55-80/85 daily temp range.  
1100 m altitude. Great rainfall. Water on property

There are already several types of Citrus +

Ideally we want to cultivate shirt term: mushrooms, greens, herbs, salad vegetables, moras.  

Long term, cacao and other fruit.
3 years ago
Hi all. New here 👋🏽. We are embarking on a project with our neighbors whereby they will supply the land, we supply capital.

We will need some help from a couple of amazing people who have *experience* with regen ag, permaculture principals, growing food, selling food at market and helping with projects on the property. The ideal person speaks efficiently in English and Spanish.

We would exchange accommodations and food and possibly profits from profit centers that are developed for this "workaway" experience. Could be 6 months or a year.

Does anyone have suggestions on where to find amazing humans for something like this?
3 years ago