Ok, so it is "done". I have to go back out and take a final photo and I think I may add more straw in the morning. I am really hoping we get some rain as it is so hot.
So, in looking back change number 1 i think i would make going if i had the choice, dont build, innoculate, or start a mushroom bed when it is mid 90's out. I watered, and watered, and watered that thing. But the chips were already hot (and steaming) when they were in the pile and that heat dried out any watering attempts. We will see how the blewits survive. The things is, this is when I was blessed with chips, so this is when we put in the bed. There was already a ton of fungi spread happening especially where there were any leaves matted together. I'm glad I didnt wait any longer. But, it is hot (I know this is relative, as areas on the West Coast have had record highs this summer) . Rain was forecast for today but hasnt materialized. Maybe by Friday. The whole bed would benefit tremendously from a good slow soaking.
Change number 2, I will probably put logs around this bed. I wont care if these rot out, as this is mostly a soil growing bed, but if I am really ambitious I may collect rocks from around the yard and line it with rocks, I just like the look of big logs holding it all in nicely.
And 3rd change would be to do this all on rainy days or when rain is scheduled for many days in a row.
I dug holes and trenches, put spawn in watered, added straw and woodchips. I only did one layer in the holes and trenches. I did spawn the entire bed after layer one of woodchips and layer one of straw. Roughly 4ish lbs of spawn between the two "coats" Then added trenches after layer 2 of woodchips. I probably put just under 1 lbs of spawn in the holes and trenches.Then I spawned the entire top of layer 2 of woodchips. 5 lbs worth. Then I spread 8 bales of straw on the entire bed. I only put 2 bales in layer 1 of straw. So it is definitely thicker on top. Thanks for your support and encouragement. Fingers crossed that i can start on the veggie garden beds next week. When i do, you know I will be back with pics.