Riah Dann

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since Feb 08, 2021
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Thanks Eric,

Sorry for giving such little info.
For right now I think the plan will be to grow vegetables on at most half an acre to start. I'll check out dripworks for products! The rest of the land will be used for cover crops, pollinators, and a herb garden.
The land is in Northwest Arkansas, its totally flat, zone 7, with about 47 inches of rainfall a year. The creek generally runs from sept/oct-july/august.
3 years ago
Hi there! I'm just discovering the great world of market gardening and permaculture! I'm privileged to have access to an acre of land that my father in law is basically giving me free range with and I'm hoping to start "breaking ground" in a few weeks. I'm a total novice and don't really know what I'm doing, but I have some great people around me helping me out. Right now I'm stuck on water and irrigation. The acre I have is right on a small creek that runs 7-9 months out of the year. People have suggested ram pumps, trash pumps with solar panels, and solar well pumps. And I have no idea and am very overwhelmed by all the options. For this year I plan on doing about half an acre of vegetables, fruit, herbs and pollinators and the other half cover crops.  Any suggestions or resources?
3 years ago