Jin Kim

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since Feb 09, 2021
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I didn’t back this one because I couldn’t figure out how it might relate/connect with me and my current living situation (a house in an urban area, but doing my best to do SKIP/PEA? so many acronyms). And though there were a lot of rewards I had a hard time connecting all of them. So those two were the main reasons why I didn’t back this one.

SKIP is kind of like that too: it’s hard to figure out how everything connects. I’m no green thumb and total newbie when it comes to all the stuff I need to do for SKIP. That’s why I waited for the book to show up at my door. But even with the book it’s not easy to find out why I need to learn how to different things and how that fits in with the overall goal of being able to live sustainably so I can be prepared.
2 years ago
Different operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android combined with different apps that can read epub files -- and there's a lot! -- will have slightly different results.
3 years ago