Wendy Oberbreckling

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since Feb 22, 2021
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Recent posts by Wendy Oberbreckling

Hello kind people

Your post caught my attention and seemed to actually fit a daydream I was kind of having.

I live in Seaside Ca have my own gardening co I started 2 years ago called Garden Girl. I'm 60 yes old and Dec i ded I wanted to  finally follow my life long passion plants and gardens.   It was immediately successful as people like a woman working in their gardens plus they appreciate my holistic approach to gardening in that I feel everything i ng has some sentience even rocks and gardens are an entity themselves including hummingbirds and everything else that lives there insects included. Absolutely no kill this is combined with my inherent green thumb. I treat all if my jobs as if they are my own yard

So its been a win win situation. However new businesses demand some money and so far I've been stuck living in a studio apartment with a room mate. This worked ok til the pandemic stay at home orders.  The situation quickly became too cramped and really unfeasible but I havnt been able to find a place if own that doesn't take all my income if a place even exists.

Also I was researching permanent culture small forests for a clients small backyard. A concept I know she will jump at.  While I gad some familiarity the more I read the more I see a permanent bd that will own gain demand.  I plan to take a course in Santa Cruz shortly.  

So given all that I would be willing to leave my current clients in favor of a more peaceful harmonious living situation with a place to experience permanent culture first hand. I am very self sufficient and treasure my solitary side. Am very to responsible and I would NEVER let any plant die if I could help it

If this sounds interesting and a good match please contact me at grdngrlinca@gmail.com or text or call (831)717-7905. So we can discuss in further detail

Excitedly, Wendy oberbreckling

Ps. I have excellent references
3 years ago