Matt McSpadden

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since Feb 24, 2021
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Recent posts by Matt McSpadden

If the soil is holding water too well, then I would recommend upping the organic matter and microbial life. The more organic matter you have and the more microbial life, the more places the water has to go. When it's just clay... it makes a puddle and doesn't like to soak in.
2 days ago
Another term to research is swale.

There are generally two ideas about water. One is to get it off and away as fast as possible without erosion. The other way, which sounds like what you are looking at is to slow the water down to soak in as it goes down the hill, so you can keep more of the water for your garden/field/pasture/orchard.
2 days ago
1. I do not think President Trump had anything to do with Project 2025.

2. I haven't read Project 2025, so it would be easier if you could point out a few specific things that are of a concern to you, and allow me to respond to those items specifically. I believe Project 2025 is  fairly lengthy document?
3 days ago
I think you are right that it will be difficult to use in all that rain :)

I have only ever used it in the context of chickens. I sprinkled it in the nest boxes when I got mites one time. I also use it in a mix with sand and ashes for a dustbath for the chickens.

Christopher Weeks wrote:I don't know that this meets your needs, but it's in the ballpark and my wife just directed me to look at it, so I thought I'd share it here too:

Nice. That is about 3 gallons I guess, so a decent size, and if it can hold liquid... probably air tight. Expensive, but not as expensive as some options. Thanks!
5 days ago

Jay Angler wrote:That reminded me of another trick - make them carry their plate up the hill to the chickens and let them enjoy the leftovers. The child having to take it themselves seemed to really give them the idea that saving the trip by being more careful with their serving was a good thing.

As you said... each child is different. I'm pretty sure my kids would put MORE food on their plate, just to make sure that they could take the trip up to watch the chickens :)

Another idea is to measure the amounts in some way and turn it into a visual thing or a competition. Perhaps all the things that could be recycled get put in a pile in their room for a couple weeks so they can see the volume. Or perhaps have a competition that if they can go a whole week of putting things in the right can, they get to go mini golfing or something. Or maybe you normally have 3 trashbags a week... and if we can get it down to 2, then we have their favorite meal.
5 days ago
I was making a smoothie this morning with some frozen berries that claimed they were fresh picked!

I'm not sure it's possible to pick them and not have them fresh...? That is kind of the definition of fresh... harvested recently?
6 days ago

Judith Browning wrote:One of my specific concerns has to do with diversity, the importance of diversity in my garden, among my friends, in my community, folks we meet while traveling and internationally on line.

To what positive end have those particular areas been cut or removed from government protection?

I fear the word 'diversity' is going the way of ' liberal'?

I am very glad that the DEI programs have been removed, because I believe they took a good idea to the wrong place. Diversity is good, but diversity for the sake of diversity is not advisable. I would never plant an apple tree, a banana tree, some crab grass, a cocoa tree, some marigolds, a cedar tree, cattails, and multiflora rose in the same garden. That would be very diverse, but those plants can't all survive in the same conditions. They would be competing rather than complimenting. We create diverse gardens with a purpose, to fill each role in the ecosystem, not simply to have as many species as we can.

Every DEI program I have ever dealt with or read about cares too much about the color of your skin and what gender you want to call yourself, without paying attention to skills, ability, and character. These programs assume that a board made up of light skinned males is NOT diverse and also assumes that a board made up of half women and half men with a variety of shades of skin IS  diverse. That kind of diversity shouldn't matter. What we should care about is things like how honest you are and how good you are at the job and having different ways of looking at the world... regardless of your physical characteristics

When an airline says they are going to pay attention to the color of someone's skin and the gender they claim to be, more than skills to fly an airplane, that is scary. By saying we must hire this color skin... you are being just as racist as saying we won't hire this color skin. Their focus is on skin color instead of the skills to fly an airplane.

When a university says we are going to lower the standards if you are of a certain color skin... that sounds like an insult to me. This is the university saying those people were not smart enough to get in on their own, so they must be helped. There are plenty of people of all colors of skin who can make it in on the same standards. And there are plenty of people of all skin colors who can't. Some people are smarter than others... it has nothing to do with color of their skin.

To take this to an extreme to try to make a point... If diversity, simply for diversity's sake, is good, why don't we ever see 100lb, 5ft women on a security detail? Why don't we see a 400lb person chosen for the olympic pole vault? Why aren't there any asians in the NFL? Why do we never see a motorcyclist in the tour de france? The answer is because all of those things are based on skills and being fit for that specific task. I think just about everything should be this way. Are you good at that job or not? Who cares what you look like.

6 days ago

Nick Mick wrote:Home Depot has clean metal paint cans that seal up good, I don’t know if they have larger ones in the store but might online...

Have you seen any paint cans that are food grade? If I could find food grade, they might seal up well enough.
1 week ago
Hi Susan,
I am a fan of the batt insulation, but I can see where a crawl space attic would be a good fit for blown in insulation.

The stuff I see most often is cellulose based... newspaper, cardboard, even bluejeans. Fairly innocuous, but they do add fire and bug retardants to it.

I do see that there is a rockwool blown in insulation option now... which is also fairly innocuous. It is the left over slag from making steel, where they super heat it and spin fibers. Naturally flame and bug resistant.
1 week ago