Art Bori

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since Mar 31, 2021
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I also find deep breathing & water helps I have also been taking Vit D, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc and Vit E

having been touting the benefits of Magnesium  I recently becae aware of a / the vital connection between Magnesium & Vit D - which apparently affects ability of Magnesium to help cells absorb Calcium & other Minerals

Apparently our Red Cells need Iron to transport Oxygen to our body cells
Each Eron molecule has capacity for 8 Oxygen molecules
Vit E ensures that the Iron molecules are full of Oxygen
Magnesium i think helps all cells absorb minerals  including Calcium

Calcium ions work to tighten muscles while the Magnesium ions relax muscles

Calcium unabsorbed may travel round body and get deposited in unwelcome places?
Meanwhile the vit d  helps the magnesium absorb better  and zinc is in there too
While recent studies finds that vit d is connected to maximum oxygen absorbtion
2 years ago
having been touting the benefits of magnesium recently discovered the vital connection between magnesium and vit d apparently to get the magnesium to work - magnesium to help absorb the calcium - so recently been taking magnesium and vit d with the calcium foods
Also will check hydration and oxygen intake
But have also been taking the iron tablets
interestingly our red cells need iron to transport oxygen to cells - each iron molecule has capacity for 8 oxygen molecule and vit e ensures that the iron molecules are full of oxygen - i think the magnesium helps the cell absorb minerals and vit d but also vit d helps magnesium absorb better - zinc also helps and it seems that vit d also helps cells absorb oxygen
2 years ago

Just trying some permie beds under existing overgrown hedge/ trees with evergreen canopy
have cut down most but some remain
am not certain to cut more or just believe that the grapevines veg and frut trees am growing underneath - having built up the soil with a layer of manure a layer of wood chip and a layer of clay followed by a layer of compost and will finish with a layer of woodbark
Want to plant under the trees and allow the new fruit to grow before cutting down the leylandii/tuja / holly / laurel
Should I just put my big person pants on and start cutting or is there some clever way that veggies find water from tree roots please
3 years ago