Ann Kehayes

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since Mar 31, 2021
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We go out to eat once or twice a week and i usually bring home leftovers in a šŸ˜–šŸ«¢to go box.  I do take the styrofoam and plastic containers to Publix to recycle, but I really need to stop this.
9 months ago
We will lose a lot of bushes and trees in Nashville. I see so much brown all around my yard that normally remains green all winter.  Leaves are falling as if these plants were deciduous. It is sad to lose mature plantings.  Recommendations here are to wait to prune, wait and see if some of these brown evergreens will put out leaves and needles.
2 years ago
What an upgrade from my kitchen steak knife that I have used sparingly for 30 years, I am hoping to win!
2 years ago
vintage glass storage with loose but fitted glass lids from thrift stores are great and do stack In refrigerator

Vintage Pyrex with glass loose lid but do not stack great for shallow shelf in freezer, things like extra spaghetti sauce

Pan with lid, quick to reheat

Reuse bread bags for breads in freezer

Cracker and cereal liners shake out cleanly and can be wonderful for reuse for dry storage on counter, in fridge, or freezer

Plate to cover bowl in fridge

Serve one side in a large vintage thrifted ā€œflavor-savorsā€  plastic container that has lid so most leftovers of meal can be conveniently put together for next meal

Thrift store and garage sale to purchase solutions ā€¦. Donā€™t buy new

2 years ago
Rachel, what is your blog address? I am in Brentwood, are you close by?
3 years ago
I  keep a heavier plastic bag that folds perfectly flat in my purse so I am always ready with my own bag.  I have cloth reusable bags too but donā€™t always have one with me  on some shopping stops.  I reuse plastic containers however I can. One way is using the takeout container with a clear lid to start seedlings and for micro greens.  Plastic trays are great for under plants. I am becoming more reactive to packaging, choosing products without it.  Plastic milk jugs can be cut to become scoops. Most important, bring home less.
3 years ago
Oh, so glad you posted about Nashville Public Library Marissa, I need to go!  I wish we had a plant swap in Nashville... hmmm
3 years ago