Juliet Shavitz

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since Apr 02, 2021
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Recent posts by Juliet Shavitz

I need your help please! I would  love to add 2 dwarf apple trees to our community garden in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Please advise me on what types are best. It would be great to have one early variety as that is when we have the most volunteers. I know we eventually need to prune when dormant. Are there varieties that don’t need to be sprayed? I would love to buy them locally.
3 years ago
I need your help please! I would  love to add 2 dwarf apples trees to our community garden in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Please advise me on what types are best. It would be great to have one early variety as that is when we have the most volunteers. I know we eventually need to prune when dormant. Are there varieties that don’t need to be sprayed? I would love to buy them locally.
3 years ago