Gabriela Francuz

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since Apr 08, 2021
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Recent posts by Gabriela Francuz

What educational and eco-friendly (less / zero waste maybe?) toys would you recommend for 9-year old kid for a first communion gift (no matter which gender, I don't believe in toys dedicated to sex)? Do you think wooden toys might be attractive in digital, smartphone era?

When I was his age, I was happy if I got bricks, some discman and then mp3 player I feel old

I was thinking about some LEGO set in which kid could rebuild a sports car into a bike with special hints from Green Instructions lego website - almost nobody knows about such option, that could be 2in1, some kind of Less Waste present I think it's a great idea to "refresh" old toys. I was thinking about some board game, wooden train on rails or something from ZigZag McQueen, but I would like to introduce him to something practical and educational. He likes space, vehicles and medieval history.

Could you recommend some educational toys for a kid his age?
3 years ago
Hmm, in my case mostly plants (and I save their lives ), but my friend got some vintage designed chairs (but his wife told him she doesn't want to see them at home - she is afraid of bugs).
3 years ago
To provide yourself regular clients, I would open a list of those willing to receive food parcels of fruits and vegetables from farmers, which people could sign up for and apply for as needed. This could work as a loyalty program. What do you think about it?
3 years ago
I would check the assortment of online military shops where you can find used T-shirts, shirts, backpacks, bags, shoes and trousers. Its materials are great and very tough. My boyfriend recommends them.
3 years ago