Barbra Goody

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since Apr 10, 2021
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Recent posts by Barbra Goody

Alana Rose wrote:Any other females going bra free out there 90+% of the time?

I very rarely wear a bra anymore, for a couple of reasons, one being that I hate them.  I have fibro and wearing a bra for any length of time causes major sensory issues and will likely send me into a flare so there's no point in doing something that will cause me problems.  I was pretty self-conscious about it at first and, truth be told, I'm not entirely over it because my girls aren't the same size anymore because of having breast cancer several years ago.  Now, with all of that being said, I don't wear form fitting tops when I'm bra-less because I'm not THAT over it.
3 years ago
I found this site by way of r/homestead where I've been lurking for a while. Paul posted a link to the Kickstarter the other day which led me here and I decided to sign up after I contributed to the Kickstarter.

At any rate, my adult daughter and I are working towards eventually being able to buy our own home with some land so we can have our own homestead.  Our dream is to have enough land to have chickens, a few head of cattle, some pigs, Muscovy ducks, and maybe some goats, along with garden space to provide much of our food.  We know a couple of people that would likely join us and part of having our own land would be so that those people could move onto it and and build their own earthbag or straw bale homes with their own little plots to do with what they want but everyone would contribute to the main goal.  We've yet to figure out exactly how that would work but we're still early in the journey so we have time to figure all of that out.

Right now we rent a duplex and have very little space to do anything but I do have some grow bags with plants that I'm trying to grow.  Our growing season down here is opposite of pretty much anywhere else but I'm experimenting to see if I can get anything to grow now.  Some collards, tomatoes, herbs, squash, pickling cucumbers, etc.  Oh, and some Moringa trees!  Even if nothing grows I figure I'll learn something, plus it gives me something to do while I wait for the real growing season.  I've got some wildflowers and other pollinator plants growing, too, along with some plants that are supposed to bring beneficial bugs in. I don't know how well many of them will grow because of the zone we're in but I figure if I can grow orchids I can grow veggies and such, right?

I've been reading through the forums and I'm looking forward to working with my daughter on earning some of the PEP badges that we can do now.  Maybe someday soon we'll be able to work on the bigger ones. :)

I'm pretty handy around the house and can build and fix some basic things but I'm looking forward to expanding that knowledge and it seems like this is a great place to do that.

A little about us....  We have four dogs and three cats, along with a red foot tortoise.  I've been learning how to can food and which food would be better frozen, instead.  I also crochet, cross stitch, quilt, and can sew basic things like curtains.  My current project is building an obelisk type trellis for an unruly bougainvillea in the yard.  When that's done I'll be building some folding sawhorses to replace my plastic ones that one of my dogs broke.  I'm also working on teaching my daughter about tools and building.
3 years ago