Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Pompeo Contarin

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since Apr 12, 2021
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Acorns have a lot of tannins which makes them toxic to eat, but this article shows a fast way to fix that and turn them into acorn flour! Has anybody made acorn bread from acorn flour? Im curious how it turned out, please share.
3 years ago
In my research I didn't realize that the days only start ticking once you start incubating. Thanks so much for clarifying that for me. So many articles I read online said you should only store eggs for 7 days and a maximum of 10 days before putting in the incubator, so I was worried about getting them in there. This makes so much more sense now and is a big relief how you say. So yes they essentially had just under a week of incubation development. The hen stopped laying for a while after those 3 eggs probably due to the heat wave and being moved into a new coop, so I was worried about waiting for a whole clutch of eggs. Now I know better!
3 years ago
When the bottom 3 leaves are dry, yellow and crinkly.
3 years ago
Thank you Leigh! Do you think there was a chance it would survive with so little development at day 18?
3 years ago
Hello first time raising chickens. I have a hen who mated with my rooster for the first time and layed  3 fertile eggs. I put them in an incubator day 11.i know this is a big mistake, I thought she would go broody and I had trouble getting an incubator where I am. Its day 18  today and I candled and there was almost 0 development, only slight veins and a dark spot. I decided to crack them open to learn about what went wrong. Well one of them only had eyes and a tiny heart that was beating. 1 was complete dud and the other wasnt fertile at all. Did that one with a heart beat stand a chance? Did I make a terrible mistake? Oof. First time doing any of this and I've been learning on the fly.

3 years ago