Steve Marquis

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since Apr 16, 2021
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Ret'd Design Eng, SME Owner, Permaculture Mentor & Teacher, Climate Action Educator
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Recent posts by Steve Marquis

Jordan Johnston wrote:looking for anyone in canada with meader persimmon and or any other 90 chromosome species and is willing to give the seeds for cash please let me know i would love to grow these incredibly cold hardy persimmins and get new genetics.

Hi Jordan, did you manage to get a meader or similar persimmon?  I'm looking for something that would survive in the far North of Scotland (58.5°N) albeit with a mild climate (zone 8/9).

Seeds or scions (although I'm not sure what I'd graft to and I believe I need male and female.)

Many thanks
3 weeks ago

Sergio Cunha wrote:I don't think there's a synonym for permaculture because of its holistical aproach. I don't know of any other system that sees elements and their connections as a whole as permaculture does.

Only slightly off topic...

You might be interested in exploring Carol Sanford’s Living Systems Thinking work in the regenerative systems world. The late Dan Palmer utilised her work in his Holistic Decision Making or HDM method. HDM is a blend of Allan Savoury’s Holistic Management, Clinton Callaghan’s Possibility Management and Carol Sanford’s Living Systems Thinking work, re-packaged and re-purposed by permaculturist Dan Palmer.

Here's Dan in conversation with Carol Sandford in his podcast episode 19 with Carol Sanford discussing Living Systems Thinking and Permaculture, he has a further conversation in episode 33 exploring her work in more detail,
3 months ago
I do find myself somewhat triggered these days when hearing the word sustainable, what do we mean by it?

For me sustainable is the status quo, for example not adding more co2 (being neutral) to ecosystems - which isn't a bad thing but is it enough?

I prefer to think regeneratively, a step beyond sustainable in my understanding as we're looking to repair what we've collectively done rather than not making things worse.

So regenerative systems for me, a bit more all-encompassing than just the agricultural aspects as laudable as they are.
3 months ago
I've been pooless for a few years now, I always give my hair a good rinse in water but nothing else. It keeps well and is comfortable, I did have the itches in the first month as my bod shrugged off all the awful chemicals.  

I've not gone as far as no soap, more research required, although we do use a non-industrially made soap from a croft up the coast called Rose Cottage Croft Soap.
4 months ago
We're in Scotland at 58.5°N (3.6°W) and haven't tried Dahlia's yet. We're doing quite well with Turks Head Day Lily's if you'd like a swap, they have an edible corm but not sure how palatable.
Looks like this...
4 months ago
A great Edinburgh site is Lauriston Farm which is a 100 acre agroecology urban farm

Napier University has a great site too at the Lions Gate
9 months ago
Leeds has a wealth of permie places...

Bedford Fields Community Forest Garden

More here
9 months ago
For Permaculture Projects in the UK there's a growing list here
9 months ago
I'm pretty sure it is open. The garden was set-up by Green MSP (Member of the Scottish Parliament for the Highlands and Islands) and Permaculture practitioner Ariane Burgess. She also had a fellow called Dræyk van der Horn who became a local Green Councillor run the gardens too.  My involvement was organising the Scottish Permaculture Gathering there (until Covid dropped in).

I believe it's still open Google thinks it is. If anyone has difficulty do reach out to me and I'll try and resolve it.
9 months ago