Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
will be released to subscribers in: 03 : 14 : 24

Lisa Mazzuca

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since Apr 18, 2021
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I have 4 haskaps planted on my suburban super sandy lot in Ocean County, NJ. 2 are 2 years old and the other 2 I planted this spring. One of the older ones got SO sun scalded, I had to move it so that it had a bit of protection.  The soil is slightly different, more rich, where I put it. I hope I don't lose it. The other old one has some sun damage, but it seems to be pushing through. The 2 new ones, (proven winners Japanese varieties) are growing well with no sun damage. Very sandy soil, compost, wood chip mulch.
3 years ago
I have to agree with arugula. I'm in NJ, 7a, and is easy to grow year round. I use it like a cover crop in my annual beds over winter and just cut down most of it to soil level when I'm ready to plant something else. I leave a couple of plants to set seed for the next round. Excellent stuff.
3 years ago