Ruth Hettig

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since May 06, 2021
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Recent posts by Ruth Hettig

Great video!
Love on improvising when you do have what you need.  As kids we did it all the time so why not as adults!
Thank for the inspiration!
3 years ago
Thanks for all the info you gave me. Very interesting!  
The wheel is just for looks I love all things yarn so my husband re did this to the best of his abilities and I love it!
3 years ago
Thank you for the information I really appreciate it!
3 years ago
Here are a few more pictures of my wheel.  I don’t plan using it.
I would like to find out if any major parts are missing.
Most wheels you can see where the spindle, or the bobbin sets but what appears to be a bobbin
I see no way to remove it.
This makes me think it been altered to be used as a decorative item.
So I was ask to post more pictures so here
they are...
All help appreciated!
3 years ago
Can you tell me if there are any missing parts on this flex wheels are spinning wheel which ever it’s called?
I cannot figure where you would put a spool in order to wind the twisted yarn or flex on to.  But then I know nothing about spinning wheels!
3 years ago
Not sure what I have here!
Spinning wheel/flax wheel? The time it was made and if it’s something valuable or just valuable to me!
Has letters PIB or possibly MB  imprinted on it in two places and has a double drive wheel.  The wheel it’s self is made in 4 pieces and mostly is put together with strips of medal and wooden pegs.
Husband gave me this  for our 39th anniversary because I love all things yarn related.  It was  in his parents estate, they were antique collectors planning on opening their own shop.  So he cleaned it up and repaired what he could but I think parts might be missing.
Hoping for some help from you all who seem to be very Knowledgeable about the subject.
Appreciate any input!
3 years ago
I am on here to identify a old spinning/flax wheel.
Not sure what I have. Looking forward to finding so me answers.
3 years ago