Sven Karl Andersson

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since May 08, 2021
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Recent posts by Sven Karl Andersson

Welcome Ginny, thanks for the chance to win something I’d like to have, but can’t afford. Many blessings!
3 years ago
Use it to catch and kill fruit flies.
3 years ago
Many thanks for the warm reception.

May I ask which J tube plan would be suitable for my needs? The lowest temperature last year was in the mid-teens.

I need to build it as inexpensively as I can. I am retired on a low, fixed income through social security.

One concern is weight distribution since my house is on concrete block piers. I fear settling/sinking under the heater. I imagine a support structure that distributes the weight over a larger footprint.

If there is also a way to cook with it, an oven basically (indoor or outdoor to save interior space) that would be very helpful.

It’s good to have a direction. Now I just have to refine it so I can begin gathering the materials and prepare to build it.
3 years ago
I have a tiny house that is a converted shed set on concrete blocks. The floor is plywood and that is supported by 4x6” beams on 4’ centers. Access under the floor is possible to beef up the support. The house is insulated on the walls and ceiling. At 12’ wide by 20’ long with an 8’ ceiling height, which design is suitable? There is about 4-6’ of horizontal wallspace, run available for the entire unit.

I am a complete novice, so I ask for forgiveness in advance, for being unfamiliar with the terminology.

Thank you.
3 years ago

Dwayne Oxford wrote:Here in Eastern W. TN(Holladay) it's near time, Moon is increasing, drawing sap from roots.
I simply strip leaves from stalk, chop stems with coarsest blade of Cuisinart processor, fill gallon jar about 1/2 full, fill with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, let sit for couple three months, shaking up occasionally.
I draw ounce out with baster, put in glass and add 4-5 oz. water and drink.
Works similarly to 500 mg. Tylenol for me.

Hey Dwayne, I live just outside of Camden. New to permies and was hoping to meet someone nearby. I am fixing up a shed as my tiny house and starting a small permaculture farm. I am 66 and have a dozen young chickens, getting 2 hair sheep soon and have two livestock guardian dogs. I am interested in this type of medicine but not adept at identifying the plants. Also interested in making a rocket mass heater for this winter as well as a rocket stove/oven. Hope we can meet someday.
3 years ago