Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Eli King

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since May 10, 2021
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So you think that the roots won’t uproot the concrete over say the next 10-20 years?

Please see attached picture on how close the tree is to the structure, we will be removing the tin and replace with cob wall.

Is there any reason to be concerned by the tree or if it is trimmed and like you said cut the roots away we would have no issues?

And lastly, could you please just elaborate a little bit of the steel frame and why you suggested that over wood or concrete?

Thanks for the help appreciate it 👍🏼
3 years ago
Hi guys newbie here.

I’m 24 years old and are living on a family property.

We have an existing shed that is made from solid wooden posts with a tin roof.

I’m looking for an inexpensive and natural building material and cob really interests me.

Problem is... We have a poinciana tree growing about 2 foot away from where the foundation would start.

We don’t want to have to cut it down, but I don’t see how else we could put in a solid foundation without the roots ruining it in a couple of years?

Also if we were to go ahead with the project what is a realistic time frame be to build walls up to the roof. The dimensions are 5m wide x 15m long x 2.5m height
3 years ago