Rebekah Harmon

Apprentice Rocket Scientist
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since May 15, 2021
Merit badge: bb list bbv list
Cute 'Lil mama who lives Healthy, Green, and Brave with 6 kids, in the middle-of-nowhere, Idaho backcountry.
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Recent posts by Rebekah Harmon

My permie friends! I am blown away by your help. All the author options are so overwhelming as all who have been there know! My heart is so full of gratitude for each of you who have taken the time to direct me. This community is THE BEST!


I can't wait for Gert to reach her happy place; both in her adventure, and in the hearts of happy permie readers πŸ’–
20 hours ago

Kate Downham wrote:
All three of these services will let you upload your book, set your pricing, and then have it available for people to buy, and they they send it out for you, so you don't have to worry about storing boxes of books.

Thanks for chiming in, Kate! I do plan to use at least KDP and Ingram. I'd also like to publish a print copy and an audible copy, launching three times to cover each version. Any ideas for audio books? Your help is wonderful!
20 hours ago

Josh McDonald wrote:

I may be available to read an early draft and give feedback: I say "may" because I am careful about committing future time, but I'd also like to help in your mission (and hopefully, I'll simply enjoy reading it). Feel free to PM me when you're ready, or maybe I'll see it on this thread.

Hey Josh! I am rather worried about your assessment of weak storylines being possibly true for me. So far, I've mapped out my characters, and they're solid. But I am a first timer! I'm sure I will male all the rookie mistakes.
I will take your excellent advice to heavily self-edit, professionally edit, and find Beta-readers like Jane suggested.
I will reach out for Beta readers when I am ready!! Thank you so much for your help πŸ™‚
20 hours ago

Jane Mulberry wrote:

Pray a lot and enjoy the adventure!

Hey Jane!
I'm absolutely floored by your 10 steps to self publishing!! I checked into your website. Wow!! How many books have you published!? I consider your words absolute gold. Thank you for taking the time to help a noob author get going.
20 hours ago
A ridiculous question!!

If you were to make underwear from animal fur, would you face the animal fur to your skin? Or the opposite, with the fur facing out?

1 day ago
Hello, Staff members!

I have another textile badge question. When considering the Wood Level textile bbs, and the following seed list:

Seed list - complete one item and start from seed:
Sew long underwear (top and bottom or one-piece) for cold weather
sew a long-sleeved woven shirt - button or pullover
create a short sleeve or sleeveless shirt
knit or crochet a sweater or cardigan
sew long pants, jeans, overalls, a skirt, or dress
create a full-bib apron or substantial tool belt
sew a winter coat (to keep you warm and dry all day at sub-freezing temperatures)
knit eight pairs of socks
Foundation garments (pick one):
 - sew eight pairs of men’s underwear
 - sew two pairs of women's underwear and 1 support garment
      - panties and shift, drawers and chemise, or combinations
      - bra, stays, or a corset

I'm not clear if a foundation garment is one of the options for the required "from seed" item, or if it is also required in addition to one of the other 8 options? Are foundation garments required for this badge, or just one option? Thanks for looking at this! I appreciate it, since I'm working towards this badge.
Thanks, Anne and Deane! I'll keep a copy for ya πŸ˜‰
Kevin, I've heard of vanity publishing. It's like in-between self publishing and using a publisher, if I understand correctly. I'm such a newbie that I really could be taken advantage of.

I'd read that book of your dad's, tho! I'm a scripture nut who would appreciate it.

Steve Zoma wrote:Awesome.

I just wrote a novel too about Permiculture. It is in its second printing now and reviews have been very positive so far.

Oh yeah, Steve? Where could I get a copy of your book?

Nancy Reading wrote:

I'm pretty sure there must be several BBs in writing a book!

Thank you for the links, Nancy!
I'm still not great at navigating all the forums here at permies.
I think I will best serve the audience who reads Gert's story if I have a clear picture of who they are. Do they find her book on permies forums? Listening to a podcast? On audible? Or a hard copy gift from a friend? Those are all different avatars for whom to market. So I am grateful to explore possibilities soon.

I don't think the actual writing of the book is a bb. But I believe the selling of it can be part of the commerce badge.  

Nina Surya wrote:
How do you feel about just doing that for starters, focus on pouring it all out and refining until you hit the 30 day mark on February 17th.

Eat an elephant one bite at a time, right, Nina? Yes, I maybe should refrain from making any publishing decisions until I have a manuscript with which to deal.