Angela Richter

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since May 17, 2021
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Recent posts by Angela Richter

kevin brooks wrote:
hi there, i am part of a community, working toward alternatives.
not so fast moving, because focus is social and family, children,
a place for bruised souls to heal... all ages even elderly (80-yr old)

we make harps & guitars for ourselves.
have a few goats, chickens, cows, bakery, bee-keeping,

families and single people
we play music every night before we eat dinner together
someone took videos of us playing music at a street festival
if you send me an e-mail, i can send you the video link,

clarinet, accordion, flute, trumpet, guitar....
(3-year old on drum beside father playing bass)

look forward to hear from you.  sincerely, kevin

I sent you an email.
2 years ago
Hello Permies family. My family of 6 plus and 5 fur babies sold our home in CA in Dec of 21. We are now in SC looking for land and community. While we look for our next home, I would love to spend my days on a working farm. My children ages 5, 10, 12, and 20 along with myself and my husband have a dream to be more self sufficient. We thought that the toughest part of this dream would be selling our home and moving to the other side of the country. However, as tough as that was, finding a home that meets our requirements is the same dream of many other people that also live in SC.
Instead of standing still while I wait for this new property to be ours, I would like for us to start learning the skills necessary for this new lifestyle. Is there a farm in the Charleston SC area that has RV hookups and willing to teach my family how to ethically steward the land and animals.
2 years ago
Thank you Carla for your response. It is nice to see that someone has responded.
3 years ago
My name is Angie and my husband's name is Rick. We were referred to Permies by Justin Rhodes, a Homesteader YouTuber. My husband and I are honing our skills so that we can work our land efficiently and sustainably once we find our land. My childhood was divided by farming life and city life. I have always loved the outdoors, animals, and being self-sufficient. My husband is a city boy through and through. But as our lives have entwined together, he has come to love the life that I yearn for. We both want to live a humble life with our children on acreage. We want to learn how to be good stewards of the land and of all the animals that we will raise.
We are excited to find a community of people that are like-minded. We look forward to learning new skills that we can put in our toolbags for a later adventure.
3 years ago