Christina Keegan II

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since May 18, 2021
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Recent posts by Christina Keegan II

paul wheaton wrote:

Jim w Bryant wrote:How do I unsubscribe from get receiving emails

Isn't there a link for that at the bottom of the dailyish?

The link doesn't work then just takes you to log in. I am also trying to figure out how to unsubsidized since I get this email at two accounts.
Hi all.

I've been working with individuals and groups in Ohio throughout the pandemic to prevent the spread of covid and strengthen community disaster response networks. This work has included helping people host events more in line with their values by identifying  goals and risks before the event, and designing/enacting safety plans accordingly.  

While some expectations for safety can be developed and agreed upon collectively through a discussion at the beginning of the event, I'd like to strongly suggest that the hosts require some minimal rules and precautions in crucial shared spaces so that all participants have a baseline opportunity to safely use the space and learn. For example at the Permaculture Technology Jamboree this summer, ability to use the main classroom area and workshop at basecamp were crucial to participating in and benefiting from many of the learning opportunities (plus morning meetings, getting food/coffee, charging electronics, etc).  If the RMH Jamboree utilizes these spaces similarly, I'd suggest that properly worn masks are required and enforced in these spaces and that we prioritize ventilating both spaces with open doors and fans.

Paul - please feel free to call me or set up a zoom if you'd like to create a plan together, in addition to input on this thread. I can also offer a proper mask wearing demonstration at the beginning of the event and bring extra surgical-style and kn95 masks.

As an instructor, I'll have some additional expectations around covid precautions during the sessions I'm teaching. I want to do what I can to keep myself and travel companions (including an unvaccinated child) safer, and to not put my students at more risk than they consent to.  I think a reasonable way to do that is to

1) plan for all of my instruction to be outside where possible, (outdoor mask use policy tbd based on needs of group);
2) strictly require masks the entire time we are indoors during a build with me (likely just the RMH installation)  
3) maximize ventilation and/or air filtration at indoor build sites *(I'm not familiar with my build site yet and what our options will be)
4) clearly communicate if/when expectations, risks, or rules change
4) let people know my preference to talk/eat with folks outside vs inside, and ask people to give me some time/grace to sit/stand at a distance that is comfortable to me before we get into any unmasked conversations longer than a minute or two (this comfortable distance depends on several factors for me); please don't corner me unmasked even outdoors.

And if anyone has specific needs or requests and think you might like to attend any of my sessions, please contact me at or 440-836-3308.  Thank you!

3 years ago