Shawnie Braidie

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since May 19, 2021
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I clicked the button to "edit my post" and then the option dissapeared.. so here the rest of my BB!

Here is the before and after of the kitchen table!

3 years ago
hugel time! Also at PTJ near the backside of the abbey

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
 - 7 feet tall, 7 feet wide, 6 feet long
 - mulch it with at least 4 different kinds of mulch
 - seed/plant at least a dozen different species
 - mostly nitrogen fixers (>75% by volume)
 - at least three comfrey plants
 - at least three sunchokes
 - at least a dozen sepp holzer grains (currently available as a prize for anyone who reaches BB20)

To document your completion of the BB, provide the following:
 - Two pics of the site before the work is started with the intended location marked out- my plot is the purple square, 6 ft by 6 ft and this is the view from the right

the view from the left

 - Three pics of three different stages of construction - showing the contents of the hugelkultur- in the excavator about to dump load 1 on top of 1st layer of wood
2. 2nd layer of wood
3. 3rd  layer of wood

 - One pic when the hugelkultur is completely built but not planted or mulched showing it is 7 feet tall and 6 feet long
here is the width photos showing about 7 feet wide:

hugel on a slope: height from the right side: 9.5 feet

hugel from left side about 4.5 feet- averaged to 7 feet!!!

 - Pics of all the stuff about to be planted: comfrey and sunchokes

the seedies!

 - A paragraph or two of what wood was used and where it came from, what was planted, what mulches were applied and anything else interesting:
I did this project up on wheaton labratories so the wood used was some form of conifer laying around the lab. I did what I would call the great scrounge, and picked peices that seemed like a good length for hauling over to my hugel. Luckily there was a large pile of confiers all chopped up near the hugel site. As you can see, for planting I used the comfrey and sunchokes. I used over 14 varieties from the seedbank at the lab including:  sepp holzer grains (atleast 20), white dutch clover, crimson clover, alsike clover, abbey buckwheat, mustard, ladak alfalfa, austrian winter pea mix, rose clover, red cowpea, winter rye, hairy vetch, and tomato mix. I learned from Thomas Elpel this week that clovers are in the pea family and the pea family are all nitrogen fixers.

For mulching I used hay, milk thistle/prickly lettuce, pine needles, and lambs quarters: see below!

 - Two pics of the site after the work is complete from the same two locations as the beginning pictures.
view from the right of my 6 foot section in the gigantic hugel co-op

veiw from the left AKA mulchey mulchey
3 years ago
METAL TIME. This was my first metal working project ever... so some of the welds are bit bulky, but it sure it sturdy! I had a blast learning how to do this at the PTJ. Took me three days as you can observe from the 3 different shirts I am sporting.

Heres the photos with the proof of the awesome kindling creation.

- two pictures of your creation at two points of construction: enjoy three fascinating action shots including the astonished face of me successfully cutting metal.

- A picture of the finished product with a tape measure showing the the size of the wood that can enter: BAM 8 and a half inches lets gooooo

- a picture of the stamped name: as you can see the fine art of stamping ones name has yet to be mastered by me. But it's there.

and here's the view of the whole "situation"

3 years ago
Western blue bird birdhouse!!! can't wait to go hang it up

I did two holes because i heard from a bird that they like to have two holes so one can be inside and one can be defending the nest whilst in the hole...?
Starting wood: i ended up using about 3 pieces of large scrounged (probably 3 feet by 8 inches )recycled lumber and cut those

the design with dimensions!

action shot below!

two holes and the notch make a nice lil face

another angle

Sealed Pond Testy Time!

I got creative with the soil compacting and used a combination of a lovely log and the hand smear method to smooth around the clay found in the pit, there seemed to be a bit more on the one side of the pond- I was only able to tell by touching it!!

Thank you to wheaton labs for the space to dig this precious pond and perform this experiment!

So here we go:

1. the new hole         2. hole filled

3. show how long it took to drain 5 gallons- it fully drained by 10am!

show the compaction process!! mmm some good hand smoothing and pounding

- show the new 5 gallon with the green straw at the mark

- show another toothpick marking the waterline five minutes later

here is the water after an hour!

mmm that measurement though- just about half an inch give or take!

using what i have from the land instead of storebought toothpicks....

What an adventure!

3 years ago
Here at wheaton labs- I used the awesome tools and made a sign for peace! Extra points if you know what the sign says.... I'll tell you at the bottom of the post if you can't figure it out.

before the damage was done- the tool warmin' up yehaw! I ALSO cut part of the sign with the bandsaw before this pic to make the cool shape.
the sign was about 7 inches by 20 inches

action shot of the oil application (raw linseed) you can see the yellow can behind the sign

andddd here is the sign hung up on a wall!

a reward for your patience... the massage "lokah samastah sukhino bavantu"  is a hindu prayer and means MAY ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY.


Hello Fellow permies

To get certified for this BB I:
 - used low-grade cob up at Cooper Cabin to fill in some walls! Each wall was 5'3" and I did four of them to total 21'!

To document the completion of the BB, I have provided the following:
 - pics before of mixture and me mixing
 - the wall before, me applying,  and after!

the clay and tarp before mixing

stompy stompy!!!

wall before

smeary smeary

and the four rows of cobey cobey!

3 years ago
Alrightieeeeeeeee! I'm here to post the earning of $$ from doing what I love-cooking fresh food and supporting in season consumption. One of my dreams is to close the gaping gap between those who "serve" and those who "eat" in the sense that we are often so far removed from our food. If you our out to fine dining, the person marinating your chicken breast is a different person than who cooked it and maybe even a different person than who plated it and certainly a different person than who brought it to your table.  Having being the one to plate food, then send it into the abyss, I love to have a more interactive dining experience. Hence I hosted the dinner party project. That was round 1, round two was brunch project. The main mission is to support community by: A Supporting the local organic farmers who show up at farmers markets in my area. ( I bought as muchf resh veg as I could from the farmers market)  B Supporting the fostering of friendships over good food, C challenge myself to make 3 course meal (dinner) or large buffet (brunch) and then enjoy the rewards by dining right along side the guests.
For the transactions- some were cash, but those that were venmo or paypal I have screenshot/collaged and those alone totaled $227 between the October Dinner and May Brunch! Total with cash was probably $350. Made most everything from scratch and even have (blurred for privacy) photos of some of the atendees.

Here are the flyers  made to send to my community:

Here is the fall dinner - 1st course i was too busy to photograph was a salad with fresh greens and roasted delicata squash (pictured) 2nd course: roasted potatoes with cashew cream sauce, shallot confit, and baked chicken breast

3rd course was chocolate pots de creme and lemon curd tartlettes (made gluten-free and glutinous tarts)

And the spring time brunch, was a buffet. Featuring: Vegan Chocolate Mouse with Local Strawberries, Fiddlehead Ferns with Morels and Shitaki, Beet Marinara, Homemade "Bitchin Sauce", Gomen (ethiopian collard greens) Sourdough Bagels, Spring Rolls with all the fresh veg, Zuchinni Fritters (first of the year!), and a few kinds of lemonade...

Photos of the Attendees:

Photos of the $$$$$

3 years ago
Here is the kitchen cleaning process. I usually use DR.Bronners. Not sure exactly how eco-friendly it is, so I went Sans-DR Bron! I used vinegar and water mix, along with some lime juice and baking soda. Also the good ole' fashioned steel wool on the pans.

Before and After of Counters

Before and After of Sink

Before and After of Stove

Before and After of FLoors- note the broom and dust pile
3 years ago
Sharpening my favorite knife given to me by my dear friend who has a "collection" of knives. I cut veggies with it alllll day long and need it to be very sharp. I focused on getting the tip a bit sharper but sharped the whole knife of course.

3 years ago