Ki Smith

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since May 20, 2021
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Recent posts by Ki Smith

Ok thank you
3 years ago
My application is going in my bus, I'll just purchase the 8 Guage and 4 Guage wire
3 years ago
This positive wire came with my inverter just didn't want to buy more unnecessary wire for my system. I need to purchase 8 awg cables
3 years ago
A ruler and dime on the wire and lug
3 years ago
What size wire and lug is this?
3 years ago
I read to have an on/off switch if you need to work on the panels or other parts.
I have a few generators and shore power to use also.
3 years ago
Thank you David, I don't know why they false advertise those.

Should I use a 20a inline fuse between the panels and charge controller?

Where would I put the on/off switch?
3 years ago
If I don't use the y connectors how will I connect the panels together in parallel.

Should I use a fuse instead of the breaker?

What size wires should I use to connect the batteries together in parallel?
3 years ago
Thank you very much.  

I purchased the 250a breaker separately. This is the breaker I have. Should I use another fuse instead?
Should I use a 20a inline fuse for panels?

Where would I put the on/off switch?
And what size wires should I use to connect the batteries in parallel to each other.
I was going to purchase the wires that have the lugs already connected.
3 years ago
My system includes 2 240w panels, 40a mppt solar charge controller, 1500 pure sine wave inverter, 2 105ah agm batteries, 250a breaker, gland, y branch connectors, mc4 extension cords, on/off switch. Will be connecting system parallel.

What size wires do I need to connect the batteries to the inverter, and to the charge controller, also battery to battery? The batteries will be less than 1 1/2 feet from the inverter. Everything will be less than 1 1/2 feet apart.
Where do I connect the on/off switch and the breaker?
What else am I missing?
Do I need to add fuses anywhere?

All help is very appreciated. Thank you
3 years ago