Barb Whit

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since May 30, 2021
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Recent posts by Barb Whit

Happy to see people talking about ducks.  My son raises ducks, about 35, and they just started laying.
Kristine, what do you think is a good ratio of drakes to hens?  Thank you.
7 months ago
Nourishment by Fred Provenza, The Seed Saver’s Handbook by Nancy Bubel and the Holy Bible are on my bedside table for reading.
2 years ago
I installed a pullet-shut door on my chicken tractor. The chickens got trained to after about 5 days of me chousing them into the trailer at dusk. It has a photo sensor and the second chance system on it. Has been working like a charm and their customer service is great. I move the “coop” every 2-3 days and have premier poultry netting to make their paddock.
3 years ago
My daughter lives in souther California also. We watched the Dave Wilson YouTube videos also. She is getting five DW trees from her local nursery to start her orchard. I am in Texas and they gave me hope for my apple trees.
3 years ago
When I had my sourdough going, I made biscuits with my discard everyday. I liked them better than the loaf bread.
3 years ago
Welcome! Love to learn about grains and bread.
3 years ago