Amy Bew

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since Jun 08, 2021
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May I ask what you used to shred them? Special equipment or just bagged them with a lawn mower?
3 years ago I kept reading on this blog....what about using leaves? Using Fall Leaves for Mulch

Free, a lot of people would willingly give you access to them....depending on where you live.
3 years ago
Be careful with wood chips if you have dogs. I know mine has actually had some serious incidents due to chewing them and the wood getting stuck vertical in his mouth! Thank goodness I was around when he did it. Scary to see. I had to reach my hand in his mouth to pull it out while he was freaking out and thrashing around.

Also found this article on mulching mistakes:

Totally thought "volcano" mulching around trees was a good thing.... ekk.
3 years ago
Bermuda grass sounds like your best bet. If you take a look at this varieties chart ( you can see that Bermuda is drought and disease resistant, needs less fertilization than other varieties, has the best traffic tolerance, and needs mowing less frequently.

In this article ( NG Turf, a sod farm in Northern Georgia (USA) states that Bermuda is often chosen for its ability to tolerate heat and rebound from drought which helps it survive hot, dry environments. Bermuda can thrive in a wide variety of soils, grows rapidly, and restores itself quickly.
3 years ago