Gene Butler

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since Jun 27, 2021
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Hey, I'm located in St. Louis. My family and I love to take trips and camp. I love the clear water of south east MO. Shannon county is beautiful.
Been looking for land for about a year. Would like to purchase and stay in a yurt or RV while building a Cob style dwelling and establishing a permaculture food forest ecosystem.
Of course Id need a plot rich with clay and I have been having trouble finding financing. Hope there is still time to get out while things are 'calm'.
Anyway, If you have space I'd love to come up there and help you build a few weekends and learn along with you. We can bring a tent or rent an RV.
Also have a friend who is a contactor who might be interested. Will be checking back on these forums in a couple of days. Good Luck

3 years ago