Mantis Toboggan

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since Jul 08, 2021
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Recent posts by Mantis Toboggan

Robert Maddox wrote:Hi, we have a farm in Litchfield County CT and are starting a small community. Happy to talk with you about options. Rob

Hi Robert - how goes the community? would love to discuss with you further how the journey is going.
2 years ago
hey everybody! I wanted to update the thread here - we ended up landing on 150 acres in the finger lakes region in the fall of 2021. we made it through the winter with -15 degree temperatures outside with no frozen pipes and a very cozy interior temperature inside the RV. Electric heaters were definitely our friends

we are helping the current landowner here take care of the property in exchange for a space to park our house (and water,electricity,etc) there is no zoning in the town we live in and it's absolutely breathtaking property.

is there anybody in the region with interest in regenerative farming/ community? we would love to discuss with some folks further to see if we can start making some visions a reality here!

2 years ago
Hey everyone. My wife and I are currently living in our travel trailer on 5 acres of family land near one of the finger lakes. It is farmland, and we currently have a small garden we tend to. Blueberries, raspberries, rhubarb, bush beans, corn, and carrots are all doing well this year. Unfortunately we're told we can't live here during the winter because of the wind/snow. We're in the process of figuring out where to spend the winter, any tips on that would be super helpful. We don't plan to be on this family property forever - our plan was to find property to start our own, or join a community of likeminded peers that are interested in regenerative agriculture practices, and the mindfulness that is involved within treating the Earth, and all of its' inhabitants with compassion.

We're looking forward to meeting people that want to share knowledge and ideas that can make living a meaningful life, for those that choose to do so, a possibility.

3 years ago