Cynthia Down

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since Jul 19, 2021
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Interesting thread!  We purchased a 2500 gallon tank as part of our preparedness for our rural home (that wants to be a homestead) and water was definitely an issue.... I feel much better having this no-brainer resource here in the Pacific Northwest USA (Washington state) where we are known for chronic rainfall during the fall/winter and spring.

I'm interested to know more about methods to pump it out and if there is a way to have water pressure.
3 years ago
I love this thread!  I'm pretty new to hatching "au naturel" (definitely has been some trial and errors) so no incubator but do have a heat lamp and a large metal wash tub.   My hen hatched 6 out of 11 eggs.  I saw that 5 had been abandoned after about a full day, they were cold so I put them in a bucket to dispose of later... didn't even bother candling them (which I can't seem to get the hang of)  Hours later I came out and there was a peeping coming out of the bucket.... yikes!  I chekced all the eggs, one had a peeper so I put it in the tub with pine shavings and a heat lamp and then scrambled to read on-line what to do about this situation.   This post gives me hope that MAYBE we'll have another chick to add to the little flock of babies.... I'll keep you guys posted.   I did add a damp washcloth but pretty much winging it here!  No puns were harmed in the posting of this message.
3 years ago