Cindi Hanshew

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since Jul 20, 2021
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Recent posts by Cindi Hanshew

The dome I have been researching for 3-4 years, I have pretty much everything figured out.  Just need the land to build it on lol, and the building dept approval.  I can't wait!
3 years ago
Hi my name is Cindi and I will be moving from Indiana to Oregon in September.  I will be purchasing land but it looks like it is a long process so I need a place to live while waiting to find the right spot.  My husband and I will be driving an RV with our dogs and cats.  I would like to rent land somewhere we can park the RV and put up a temp fence for the dogs. We would leave the RV, only moving it to dump it and fill up on water.  I plan to build an aircrete geodesic dome.  
3 years ago