Tobias Rodenkirch

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since Jul 26, 2021
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Recent posts by Tobias Rodenkirch

Richard Henry wrote:Tobias - Quick question.  Is the wall concrete?  Even so, with the heat riser and stove pipe against it, I would expect some discoloration.  Most code requires a minimum separation between heat sources and building materials.  It's a safety concern.

Hi Richard
Thanks for you reply and question.
The wall is a 56cm deep stone wall (natural & mortar) and the ground is concrete.
So I guess it is quite save and I intend to use this mass for heating storage too.
Any thoughts on my guessings are welcome!
2 years ago
Hi everybody
i hope it is ok to ask related question to this topic. I am also building a RMH and want to link the exhaust to an existing chminey.

My question:
1) because of the smaller diameter of the chimney pipe of 120mm do I need to adapt the area of the burn tunnel to this? Or should I calculate  for 150mm diameter of the heat exchange pipes? I am aware that in Evan excellent book he writes that the burning tunnel needs to be the tightest part of the RMH. But in this case i have a quite high chimney of almost 10m. So that is why I an wondering if it might be different to Evans recommendation.

2) does it make any sense to have 1m vertical heat exchange pipe?

3) does it improve the burning if I try to round the corners by the edges from burn tunnel to the heat riser?

4) will it work if i fill the bench with sand (850kg) and topping it with a concrete floor layer and ceramic plates as finish?

5) do i need to seal this kind of pipes to abvoid any co/co2 issues? Or will it be enoug witht the sand around?

Thanks a lot in advance for any comments on this
2 years ago
Hi everybody
I was wondering if there are some experience by using pore concrete as isolation of the burning chamber J? In my experience pore concrete is very easy to cut and shape.

I want to build a baker oven with a rocket stove and it needs to be mobile on wheels. So lightweight materials would be great. I maybe failed in the lightweight attempt already by using 4mm wallthickness steel pipe. But i got it for free🤷🏻‍♂️ Any thoughts are welcome!
2 years ago