Daniel A Halsey

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since Aug 18, 2021
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Recent posts by Daniel A Halsey

I recently purchased an electric Rad Rover 6 plus mountain bike. 4 inch wide tires and baskets on the front in the back. It will be used for trial hauling and work on the farm sites.  After months of looking at bikes I found this one to be the most durable with great customer service.  
3 years ago
My name is Daniel Halsey, I am the lead designer and co-founder of United Designers.
I travel most of the year doing design work, but still need a good, supportive, and balanced community to land at times.
As I travel I hope to visit many communities and create relationships that are mutually beneficial and long lasting.
What kind of community do you have ?  I would like to experience the diversity of communities we have.
Thank you,
3 years ago