Sydney Fitzpatrick

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since Aug 23, 2021
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It's taken me a few years to figure out a system for my curly/wavy, thick, and very frizzy hair.  At least twice a week, or more if my hair becomes a tangled mess, I use diluted apple cider vinegar with warm water, let it sit for a few minutes and then use my fingers to detangle.  If the tangles are bad, I'll do it under running water.  I sometimes add honey to the mix or just do a honey warm water mix on my head for about 10 minutes before getting my hair wet.  the ACV works as a great detangler and the honey really makes my hair shiny.

When I need my hair to look fancy and curly, I use a small amount of coconut oil in the shower, let it sit for a minute and then rinse with pretty warm water.  I use to put the coconut oil in my hair after I showered but it didn't spread evenly and made it look to greasy so using the warm water to rinse and spread has been a game changer, giving my curls more definition and shine.  If my hair ever is really oily or feels dirty or itchy, I'll put baking soda and water on for a few minutes before my ACV concoction.  

Still experimenting with putting other stuff on my hair, usually whatever I have lying around in the kitchen just to see if I like it.  
2 years ago