Anna Dawnheiler

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since Sep 11, 2021
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The email for this project is

Thanks for the good advice and I wish everyone well!
It's getting close.  Being hit with "respond that you have read and understand the mandate requirement" type memos daily.  They must be getting the ducks in a row for a massive purge.  Like someone else said, don't over engage with the legalese/admiralty law games.  The truth is no one can really "understand" what is going on, so why claim to.  Have a great start to the fall and get in touch if in the Midwest and interested in working out a mutually beneficial collaboration.  

*having trouble replying to individual messages so let's also use email if possible*
3 years ago
Looking for some folks in southern IN to build a healthy environment in which to live.
I'm unwilling to take an injection and so will be going from 89k/year via a regular day job to whatever can be done on a small homestead.  The time for a moderated centrists view of this thing is over for me as it gets more obvious by the day that compliance is the food by which tyrants are sustained.  Private message me if you're in this part of the Midwest and would like to talk specifics.  Thanks and hope this finds you well.  

3 years ago