aurora sev

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since Sep 24, 2021
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Recent posts by aurora sev

Im a younger guy, ive been trying to make it up to alaska for a while. Im old fashioned, christian, and hard working.
Im curious what part of alaska youre in, and what youre expecting in more detail, for people looking to join you.

I may have misunderstood, I thought you may have been open to platonic help.
1 month ago
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Please and thank you
6 months ago
After putting the o2 sensor on, everything started going downhill. I hadnt realized the exhaust leak in front of the o2 sensor was screwing with it.
its passed inspection, next weekday i manage to get off ill get it legal.
replaced all the missing vacuum lines, figured out the radiator was leaking from a loose drain screw.

I got very lucky at work and found a train jack, they sold it to me for 10$, and they cost 1-2k new. So once that sells more funds and progress will come.
8 months ago
This isnt super related, but today at work (junkyard), I was told to help a costumer finish pulling a transmission he couldnt get off.

I get there, the guy is 73, someone else working there came to "help" and stripped one of the torque converter bolts, that only had allen key slots, and no nut. Not only was this 73 year old man nice about the other guy screwing up, he was down there under the truck helping me the whole time. I told him multiple times this is my job and he didnt need to help. He said he wasnt going to just stand there and watch me do it.

I have the exact same mentality, and after all was said and done, he tried to tip me, I refused and told him it was literally my job. He was so happy to see a young person working hard, he didnt care. After refusing the tip he just threw the money in my yard car and laughed. I laughed and told him id do the same thing.

Little things like that make the world so much better.
that is all.
8 months ago

Eric Hanson wrote:Aurora,

So good on the various tools.  So you are planning on going with a generator--that's fine as long as you can maintain a gas supply and there is no reason why you shouldn't.  Are you thinking about one of those super-efficient inverter generators which would also be great for running a computer?  And if electrical is not your thing, then that's fine, that can totally be worked around.  Personally I love to tinker in the electrical and I am building a couple of battery generators just for fun.  But this is not your style, then one of the pre-made units is probably ideal (something like a Jackery comes to mind, though there are plenty of others).

Just a curious question about finishing off the trailer--I am assuming that you want to put in some type of wooden walls with insulation (am I right here?).  Would you go and buy lumber or would you get a small sawmill and make your own?  There are advantages and disadvantages to both.  Personally there is something about the aesthetic about making my own lumber that appeals to me, but that is me and by all means do what suits you.

And again, it is good to hear about your progress--the truck itself sounds like its own adventure!--so keeping us updated is great!


Something pre made would be great, and a small generator would be plenty, Ill put a little tank on the f250, or just replace the rear second tank with a 12v fuel pump and switch to a generator, im fairly handy with generally anything, I just dont like computerized things. red green raised me hahaha.

I think thin foam board insultation mixed with spray foam would be lightest, thinnest, and easiest. As far as walls, Id love rough sawn lumber, but its all about price, i certainly will not drywall it. making an alaskan sawmill would be on my list of things to do, just depends on what order i achieve everything.

thanks man, will do!
feels great to finally make progress on this, as its pretty much my whole goal in life, and ive been wasting away not getting things done.
8 months ago

Eric Hanson wrote:Horse trailer to mini house--sounds like a plan!

So do you plan to pack up the trailer with all sorts of tools and equipment and various supplies to help get you established on your new adventure?  I was thinking along the lines of:

Possible solar power
Possible wind power
Batteries to store energy
Generator?  Maybe, maybe not
Definite wood stove or equivalent (RMH would be awesome if you could pull it off!)
Various assorted power tools & batteries
Good collection of hand tools
Chainsaw(s)--could go gas or electric here
Axes, saws, pickaxes, various shovels, rakes
Knives/Machete (a kukri is an interesting option here)
Some sort of hand cart
A bunch of buckets
Appropriate clothing
Good blankets, sleeping bag(s)
Emergency medical supplies (bandages, iodine, etc.)
Flashlights (tool kits come w/ pretty good ones)

The list can get pretty extensive here so I will try to cut it short before I list everything under the sun.  I guess one of my biggest questions is what to do about electrical power.  Solar is certainly an option in the summer and useless in the winter.  A small wind turbine is interesting for winter operations.  Of course, you would want to have a decent sized battery bank.  Personally I would build my own, but that is one of my interests and if it is not yours than I suggest getting a pre-made unit.  Since you want to make a YT channel (which I think is a GREAT idea), you will need a computer--probably a laptop will be sufficient, though a micro-desktop is an option as well.  Also, do you plan to use any gasoline powered tools like a chainsaw or a gas weed-eater for trimming?  Either of these can be done with batteries, but you might run into some limitations.

At any rate, I like that your plan is starting to come together.  Please keep us informed as to how things work out.


I plan to take the tools I need, im not converting the trailer into a house until im there, as it will save weight. As far as electrical goes, a small generator and a small battery bank would be more than enough. I have battery powered power tools, but most things can be done with hands tools. I dont care for solar or wind, I dont like batteries, I think its a terrible system, I would prefer long term a wind powered compressor, but thats long term. Ill just need to charge small things, I wont be running a fridge or electric stove. Most things will be done by hand, or gas, I do not like electrical stuff.

The computer I got is actually capable of video editing, and I believe the camera shoots in 1080p. I bought them, as I was originally going to buy land here, and build a house, and film it. That didnt work, almost bought a useless parcel, but thankfully the jackass boss I had at the time asked what I was going to do with the land, and told me less than 3 acres requires permits etc for any septic, and would have been a nightmare.

Got the exhaust on the truck finally, autozone gave me the wrong nuts for the aftermarket exhaust clamps, and I ended up doing some super silly stuff with lowes ubolts and wire, to get it back on. Replaced the oil pressure sensor, o2 sensor, re-bled the clutch (the old hydraulic ford clutches are bad about being difficult to fully bleed) Ran the truck out of gas, before I put the 02 sensor in her, she must have been getting like 4 miles per gallon lol.

this is a video before the 02 sensor was put on, so its still backfiring, and no muffler yet, so it sounds like a tractor.
8 months ago

Eric Hanson wrote:Aurora,

Do you have a housing situation worked out?  Are you going to live out of your truck for a while?  Build a small home?  Do you have something else in the meantime?  I am just curious what you will be doing with the horse trailer.  Are you bringing livestock or will that trailer turn into shelter?

In any case, good to hear that you got your truck worked out.  Is it diesel now?  It sounds like it was quite a project!  Congratulations for sticking with it!  And by all means, please either keep up this thread to let us know how things are working or if you prefer you could start a new thread once you get there though I think that the current threads would make an awesome preface to an online diary of living off-grid in Alaska.


The plan is to convert a horse trailer into a tiny house with a woodstove. In missouri horse trailers are insanely cheap, like 1500$ for a gooseneck, 16ft.
As far as where ill stay, I figure ill try this website for workstays, I can park and stay in my own trailer, and help them, in the meantime find a job and find cheap land. The best deals arent on the internet, as you know. Id love to build a little cabin, the trailer is short term, but im confident It will flip for a big profit in alaska, as horse trailers are very rare, and a house trailer would be more valuable.

I decided against the diesel swap, the parts are harder to find, and its just not worth it right now. The 5.8 windsor is more than enough for what im doing, although it wont get the gas mileage a diesel would. It also wont be a nightmare to start in the cold.
The reason I hadnt updated, was I found a girlfriend, almost moved to chicago, then things went south. Thankfully I didnt sell the project truck, and nobody vandalized it, as it is currently on the other side of town in a friends yard, and has been for 7 months.

I have a great camera, and wanted to do a yt channel of the whole ordeal, unfortunately the damn things almost fixed now, so the entire soul crushing portion will go unseen haha.

I took it out for a first real drive in 7 months today, after doing all the brakes, the brake hoses, all tie rods, ball joints ujoints, clutch hose, clutch slave/master cylinders, building a flatbat, completely rewiring the rear end, because hellen keller got a hold of it, beyond the grave.
this isnt my good camera, its just my phone, but its something.webpage
8 months ago
Well sorry to whomever posted before this, I never saw it and the account is "retired".

If its ok I may turn this into a diary of progress? Ive finally got my project truck nearly ready, after damn near a year.
I had to drop the transmission 3 times for a slave cylinder, its 4x4 so that was big fun. Practically a professional at it now.
replaced all ujoints, ball joints, tie rods, new flatbed, converted it to manual windows. Tomorrow ill see about new tires, an oil change, and maybe a windshield.

All I really need now is the gooseneck attachment, a horse trailer, and enough money to get there and survive. Ive found online groups that allow you to stay with them in exchange for work. Im not sure they could afford to feed me, but it sounds like a great deal!
Ill add a few videos and pictures later.
8 months ago
9 months ago