Caleb Hattemar

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since Oct 03, 2021
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Recent posts by Caleb Hattemar

Brk 312

A few pictures from a steady yet spactacularly uneventful day here at WL.  

Inge Leonora-den Ouden wrote:That Hohner harmonica ... I had one like that long time ago! (this can't be it, I never was in the USA)

It's in amazing shape for however long it's been up towards the volcano, sitting along the road and it's amazing it didn't get smashed by Rex.  
The Bad, the Rad and Krab 308
Brk 307

Here's a few photos from the last week to get back into the brk.  

Jeremy VanGelder wrote:Before explosives; people used to fracture rocks by building a fire against them, heating them up, and then cooling them with water.

Fire-setting article at Wikipedia

That sounds like a better community cookout event than an industrial approach these days but why not do both!  I'm a fan of making work fun and making fun work.

Mike Haasl wrote:So...  Whatcha doing that work with the excavator for?  That's between the love shack and Arrakis, correct?

I reckon you've got a good idea about it and yeah that's the location.  Let's say we're trying to tap into more habitat for you...