I have around 36 acres. I have 1 acre lots and a main yard. In development at a fast pace. You can check out my YouTube channel. Glenn Offgrid. I believe a group of like minded can make alot happen. I'm in the Rexton NB. If you are willing to commit to a Offgrid lifestyle. You can contact me. I do Charge $250. Monthly. To offset my taxes. All amenities minutes away. I have a civic #. We are not a cult. We are not trying to leave society. We are developing food forest, permaculture, gardens , animals. Homesteading in general. Self sufficiency. Is key as to where all these distractions are leading. I have all infrastructure tools needed. The rest would depend on you. Rexton NB has lots of work available. So if this is something that would intest you , hit me up.
glennie443@gmail.com Ty.