T Bienz

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since Oct 04, 2021
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West Catskills Region, Delaware Co, NY USA New USDA zone 5a/5b
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Recent posts by T Bienz

hey thanks so much! this is the perfect snowbound thanksgiving afternoon watch --- I really appreciate the opportunity to see this ---

happy thanksgiving
2 months ago
Tim I had this same trouble for years and couldn't figure out why "fruit" flies seemed to be proliferating only around the house plants, not in the kitchen ---

after many seasons of minimally effective vinegar traps, the solution that worked permanently for me was covering the surface of all soil in the house with about a half inch of sand --- completely cuts off access to anything organic in the soil, easy to water through, no need to replenish regularly --

I don't remember where the advice came from, but the results were nearly miraculous
2 months ago
This is great! Thank you so much for this wonderful offer --
Looking forward to meeting everybody and building lots of stuff!
: D     T !
10 months ago
Hi Samantha -- your plans sound great!

I am mostly focused on building, rocket, & water things (for now!), but I would really appreciate some animal time, especially sheep -- handling, shearing, learning about your set up and experiences --
10 months ago
I'm here on the live stream, just don't have YT account for the chat --
    T     :}
10 months ago

paul wheaton wrote:We sold one!

    23 tickets to go!

OK! done it!   : D  

10 months ago
Is there a different link for the 450 deal? I am still just finding the full price ticket -----
10 months ago
This is a beyond-amazing potential deal!

I have studied the PTJ syllabus many times as if it were a seed catalog in January -- now I have spent all morning working out a driving map to Missoula --

I will watch for the deal to start in a couple hours and will see you at the YT live tomorrow --      

10 months ago

Hey Permies! thanks to all for the welcomes and likes and apples!

And for the amazing and inspiring ambition lists shared here ---

I have updates to plans and information, although building work on the land is still in the observation stage, watching the springtime water flow, mud, plants and animal signs --

I found I don’t need a permit for structures under 144 sq ft, so my first build will be an 8x16’ shed that will let me move stuff to the site and keep it safe and dry

I realized that since I don’t need a machine to move myself, just to help with heavy stuff, I got a battery powered cart (like a four-wheeled wheelbarrow) that costs nowhere near a used UTV and will help get more done with a day’s energy --

I believe I have found that my little rill that dries up periodically is considered a “class D waterway” by NY state, so it seems I can put a bridge or culvert -- experience and advice appreciated --- I am considering a culvert for cost and simplicity (the span is about the size of a typical driveway drainage ditch), but I understand a bridge would be much better for the waterway --

I’m trying to do this without hiring big equipment, and need to start with some hand tools to see if that is possible -- have done some materials pricing and plan to at least get out there with a shovel and small chainsaw this week --

best wishes to everyone with their lists!
10 months ago