Carla Swanson

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since Nov 06, 2021
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Recent posts by Carla Swanson

Thanks, all! I don’t know where the address came from, but it’s the right one, so all good! Thank you for the quick responses and the fast order processing!

Hello! I'll leave this post up as feedback about some challenges ordering the playing cards - I think I am all set now! I learned that my order was fully placed by going to my email where a message was waiting letting me know that the cards will be shipped to the address given when I created my account, so it all worked out - it took awhile, but I'm sure they will be worth it!

I successfully purchased your chicken ebook, now I want to purchase 6 decks of the permie playing cards but the available links send you on an endless loop - I am officially dizzy, I've been unable to land on a page that allows me to purchase the cards. Help! -

Update - once I posted thi^^^s, a related post appeared that did have a purchase link - so I purchased them that way...but I'm still stuck. I got a message that my purchase was successful, then no additional info, I think you need shipping info? So, still need help!

Thank you
in Rhode Island