Greg Sims

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since Nov 08, 2021
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Hey Steph,

That does sound quite appealing honestly. Always had a thing for the maritime area up that way. Was actually looking at buying land in Nova Scotia awhile back but it just seemed too daunting with international land ownership, particularly now with Covid.

How much land are you looking to get? I’m going to be moving back up to Maine in the spring to look at buying land with some friends there, but it’s not 100% set in stone. At least then we’d be close enough it would be realistic enough to meet in person.

Either way, thanks for reaching out. So tricky to find like minded people out there, particularly in the search for a life partner.
3 years ago
Looking for a like-minded woman that is interested in starting a homestead family somewhere in the northeastern US, ideally between the ages of 23-35. I’m currently living off grid on a rental property in the Hudson Valley of NY, but am planning on purchasing acreage (10-20 acres) next year somewhere in the northeast. Very open to suggestions as there are many beautiful places in this neck of the woods, as long as land there is decently affordable. I know it’s broad, but I’m hoping to really dial things in over the winter and get a little more clarity there.

Mostly hoping to just find a partner who is positive, hard-working, and really wants to live the simple life. Not necessarily saying we need to be hermits or only eat 100% what we grow, but it would be nice to set some realistic goals for living as close to the land as possible at that time, with the long term goal of being largely self-sufficient.

I’ve worked on farms, been a wilderness guide, a seaweed harvester, solar panel installer, and now I build furniture. Very pragmatic but also very open to the more ethereal elements of the human spirit and exploring strong emotional connections through direct conversation.

Anywho, I don’t want to rattle on too much about myself. Really tough to get to know a stranger through text on a screen. If anyone out there thinks we may be a good fit, shoot me a line and we can maybe get to know each other via email/phone with the possibility of (fingers crossed!) meeting in the physical world.

Hope you’re having a nice day, hangin in there, and I look forward to hearing from folks.


3 years ago