Gabriel vre

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since Nov 29, 2021
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Recent posts by Gabriel vre

So we purchased a property last year and 4.5 acres of it is in alfalfa, its in its 6th year this season and I don't want it cut and our nutrients hauled off. What is the best way to covert back into pasture? I want to fence it with barb wire and just run cattle but I am not sure if there is a way around the bloat issue, would goats or sheep be advisable? Though fencing is a big cost for the smaller ruminates vs just barb for cows. Any input on what you have done would be great.
1 year ago
Currently living in Iowa on 7 acres, my goal is to become self sustaining, growing and raising organic foods animals for my community and constantly be improving the homestead and enjoying the many projects and endeavors I find myself trying. That includes, gardening, sustainable practices, archery, fishing, foraging, building anything from scratch.. I love agriculture and am planting a food forest this year, no big expectations.. but I would love too chat with like minded people. And maybe find a like minded woman. who knows.

cliff notes version of myself;

I love Jesus
I rarely eat out. only local places [ I serve a few restaurant produce,]
thrifting or reusing before new,
cooking and food are a huge influence in my life.
music is major, anything bluegrass
one day I hope too have animals and raise kids on a farm.
ideally I would live like a 1940s farmer and raise most my food and use only organic inputs, and respect the old ways and traditions,
3 years ago